Lizi’s Granola and Muesli

Monthly duties:

  • Social strategy
  • Social media management
  • Content creation
  • Rapid customer engagement
  • Social advertising
  • Paid and gifted influencer campaigns
  • Contests and brand partnerships

Proud moments: 

  • I’ve worked with Lizi’s for over 2 years
  • I’ve managed 4 major campaigns


  • In store surveys, customers state social media as a main method of brand discovery
  • Over 2,000 new Facebook followers
  • Over 5,000 new Instagram followers
  • Over 7,000 new TokTok followers
  • 77% increase in engagement from previous period

I work with some wonderful partners on this project:

Graphics are provided by Avidd

PR is provided by The Forge

Photography is by Alexandra Wallace

Influencer content on this page is by @theskinnydoughnut, @munchingwithmolly_x, @what.katie.does, @brunchbowls